Pipe Vacuum Tank Spray Nozzles
Pipe vacuum tank spray nozzles are crucial components in pipe extrusion processes, particularly in the cooling and shaping stages. These nozzles are designed to deliver a precise and efficient spray of water onto the hot, extruded pipe as it passes through the vacuum tank.
Ekstrüzyon Vakum Tankı Sprey Nozulu
Soğutma tankı sprey nozulları, bir sıvının (genellikle su) belirli bir basınç altında küçük damlacıklara dönüştürülerek hedeflenen bir yüzeye veya alana püskürtülmesini sağlayan cihazlardır. Bu sayede, püskürtülen sıvının buharlaşmasıyla soğutma işlemi gerçekleştirilir.
extrusion vacuum tank and nozzle technology
Extrusion vacuum tank and nozzle technology is a critical component in the plastic extrusion process, particularly in cooling and sizing systems. The nozzle is typically installed in a vacuum tank to create and regulate the vacuum pressure required for shaping and cooling the extruded product.