
extrusion cooling tank and nozzle technology

Extrusion cooling tank and nozzle technology is a critical component in the plastic extrusion process, responsible for cooling and shaping the extruded product. The nozzle, typically installed in a cooling tank, plays a crucial role in controlling the cooling process and ensuring the desired shape and dimensions of the final product.  

Extrusion cooling vacuum tank

Extrusion cooling vacuum tank nozzles are critical components in the extrusion process, playing a crucial role in efficiently cooling and shaping extruded products, particularly in the production of pipes and tubes. These nozzles are designed to deliver a precise and controlled spray of water onto the hot, extruded material as it passes through the vacuum tank.  

plastik boru ekstrüzyon hattı, ve kullanılan nozullar

Plastik boru ekstrüzyon hattı, ham plastiği ısıtarak eritip kalıba basarak çeşitli çap ve kalınlıklarda boru üreten bir üretim sistemi olarak açıklanabilir. Bu süreçte, borunun soğutulması ve şekillenmesi için kullanılan nozullar kritik bir rol oynar.